(775) 721-3287 Richard@OneSphera.com

One Sphera's Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals

Our Vision

We see a collaborative network of financially-empowered communities and strong regional democratized economies transforming the current top-down globalization of nation-states and allied global financial institutions.


Our Mission

The Community Platform provides the technology, resources, and incentives to create increasingly conscious, self-reliant communities.  We do this by connecting people, organizations, and government agencies to needed resources in regions and interest spheres around the world.  Our intelligent connectivity suite facilitates local, regional, national, and international connections, education, and interaction for the purpose of generating positive social results and quickly responding to actionable needs.



Our Values

  • Data Sovereignty.  It is YOUR data and YOUR relationships.  You decide what you will share, with whom, when, how, and you can change it at any time.  Your Privacy and Security are our highest concerns.
  • Identity Sovereignty. The security of your identity is a paramount focus for us.  By offering Roles and powerful encrypted forms of identity management on the Platform, YOU get to decide what part of your identity to wish to share with others and in what areas.
  • Opt-In Everything. YOU decide what you see in your Newsfeed and in your Inbox, especially advertising.  Only see what you want to see.
  • Safety. The Community Platform was designed to encourage safe civil discourse and exchange in a nurturing and supportive community environment.  It breaks-down barriers by focusing on what connects us, not on what separates us.
  • Transparency. As a Public Benefit Company, One Sphera values transparency in corporate activities, transactions, and its impact both locally and globally.
  • Tolerance and Understanding. One Sphera supports and encourages using the Golden Rule as the appropriate guideline for behavior in all relationships, formal and informal.
  • Collaboration. One Sphera looks to uncover and create opportunities for collaboration instead of competition between individuals, groups, organizations, regions, and the world. We build bridges of trust and cooperation.
  • Connectivity. One Sphera offers technology platforms and cooperative best practices that provide a common ground to empower individuals, organizations, and government agencies to interconnect and interact locally, nationally, and internationally.
  • Quality. One Sphera is designed to reduce the “Signal-to-Noise” ratio of modern communication, thereby increasing the value of the interaction and usability of the information.
  • Community Support. One Sphera seeks to support the creation of thriving, self-reliant, local economies through its approach to community, its various tools, and its direct financial support.  One Sphera donates a certain percent of all membership revenue back into each community’s Non-Profit organizations based on guidance from its membership.
  • Communication. One Sphera seeks to improve the quality, quantity, and velocity of communication within connections sharing common interests.
  • Consistency. One Sphera uses and fosters consistent high value, compassionate thoughts, words, and actions in personal and professional relationships, as this is foundation for trust and honesty.


Our Goals

  • Support the expansion of wealth by incentivizing and rewarding the positive activities of Proof of Community Cooperation and Proof of Community Influence
  • Support the positive evolution of community groups by providing technology infrastructure that facilitates exploring and creating strategic liaisons
  • Support altruistic acts and more purposeful civic engagement strategies
  • Support the expansion of the number of viable local links among people engaged in value exchanges
  • Support the development of strategies to improve, restore, and sustain the integrity of people, organizations, and systems in community
  • Support the education and evolution of public life, the analysis of issues, and the design of processes that build social capacity
  • Support the application of information systems and development of knowledge bases applied to the theory and practice of public engagement and social action
  • Support purpose, sustainability, and the ability to bring community to a much higher level of commitment, and set the stage for action in fully implementing purpose within the community and manifesting ideas in everyday living
  • Support individuals and the community to become fully empowered as stewards of their ongoing evolution and the community, beginning the processes of changing the society in which the community exists


Why we are a Nevada Public Benefit Corporation

A benefit corporation is a new type of for–profit corporate entity that includes not only maximizing profits as one of its enterprise goals, but also focuses on creating a positive impact on society.  In this regard, similar to other “for profit” entities, the Company may raise capital in the manner described in alignment with US and International laws.  As part of its transparency requirements, a benefit company has the legal requirement to produce an annual third-party audit that proves we are benefiting the public.

As mandated by its bylaws, the Company shall fulfill its social mission in two ways,

  • First, One Sphera will measurably increase the number of connections amongst local community organizations (Non-profits, local business, and government agencies) and individuals in the primary spheres of community life. These include local economy, local food, arts and culture, healthy environment, helping those in need, transformation, education and more.  The number of community spheres will increase over time, based on Member demand.
  • Second, One Sphera will contribute a percentage of revenue generated from individual membership back to local Non-Profit organizations.

One of the most significant differences offered by a benefit corporation’s legal mandate is that the directors and officers must factor in the positive benefit to the community and company purpose along with shareholder interests when making decisions.  By being required to consider the Company’s social mission, the directors and officers may make decisions that are not completely and fully focused on strictly financial returns.  Further, major changes to the structure or bylaws of the organization require a 66% majority vote.  As such, an investor in the company must acknowledge and agree that the Company’s social mission constitutes as benefit to the investor, albeit not a completely financial one.


As a result, the highly transparent, socially focused, investor friendly Benefit Corporation is the ideal organizational structure for One Sphera.